Renew your KBC Membership by Sept.30!

August 30, 2020 9:36 am
  • Welcome New Members, Returning Members, and Renewing Members!
  • RENEWING” your membership means that you held a membership in the 2019/20 season and you are applying for a new season membership for 2020/21. If you are “renewing” then you get a discount due to the Covid19 Closure this past season.
  • Renewing Deadline is Sept. 30, 2020 so Renew Now!
  • All Keycards will be deactivated after September 30 if not renewed.  
  • Important: the discounted renewal rate (For returning members from the 2019/20 season) will NOT be available after September 30.
  • If you are a New Member or a Returning Member from before the 2019/20 season then you pay full rate. New members, Returning Members, and Renewing Members… Sign up now! If you have trouble with our online system a member of the executive will be happy to help you out.
  • You can buy a membership at any time throughout the year on our website. There are pro-rated rates depending on what month you sign-up. It’s all in the Memberships section.
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