Notice – Annual General Meeting (June 25, 2023)

June 4, 2023 7:37 pm

Dear KBC Member:

Join us at the KBC Annual General Meeting on June 25!

The KBC Board of Directors has scheduled the Annual General Meeting for Sunday, June 25, 2023.  Come down to the club for badminton, BBQ and our business meeting!

The courts will be available for “free play” from 1:00pm – 2:45pm and we will provide the shuttles.  We’ll also be running a delicious BBQ in the parking lot at that time. The AGM meeting will take place starting at 3pm. The AGM is an opportunity to recap the 2022/23 season, vote on major upcoming issues, including two special resolutions, and vote on the incoming Board of Directors for the 2023/24 season. 

The Agenda!

The agenda for the meeting can be accessed here, and financial reports will be available at the AGM. Beyond a review of club finances and our successes over the previous year, we will discuss new membership rates, improvements to our court lighting, and a change to our bylaws. We’ll also be looking for feedback from members as we elect a new board and decide on priorities for the coming year.

Join the Board!

Do you love the club and want to get involved?  Are you interested in volunteering at the club or joining the Board of Directors? We are always looking for people to help out and make the club better. If you have questions or are interested in helping in any way, contact a current board member or email [email protected] to let us know.  New ideas and energy are always welcome!

Happy Summer!

Whether or not you are able to make it to the AGM, we hope you have a great summer and continue to enjoy some badminton despite the heat. Be sure to renew your KBC membership when next year’s memberships become available in August (check our website for news). The new season officially begins Sept. 1, 2023.

If you have any questions please email [email protected].

– The KBC Board of Directors

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