Car Theft at KBC

November 30, 2022 12:08 pm

Recently, a vehicle parked at the Kelowna Badminton Club was stolen in broad daylight. The car owner was inside playing at the time, while the courts and parking were almost full. The Club has video footage of the theft; police were notified, and later the vehicle was recovered. A big thanks to the Board executives who followed up with the RCMP and helped to recover the car after the incident!

It is strongly advised that members:            
– continue to lock your vehicles and 
– keep all doors at the KBC closed and secured tightly (especially the door on the first court)
– do not leave anything visible in their vehicles        
– bring any purses and valuables inside the Club with you 

While the KBC Board of Directors is hopeful that the situation in the area will improve, it is important that we do not provide any opportunities for incidents such as these to happen in the future. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you see any suspicious activity around the Club, please get in touch with us at [email protected].

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