AGM Update

June 4, 2018 9:07 pm

As you know the AGM took place Sunday June 3 2018. Turn out was low unfortunately with around 35 members turning up for free play, BBQ and the meeting. Your new Executive has some familiar faces as well as new. Congratulations to the incoming Board and thank you for letting your name stand and showing interest in our club. A few of the positions now have co directors as members are looking to share the load. Thanks to the outgoing board members for their dedication and congratulations to the incoming board and may you have a successful and enjoyable year. The board is seeking a happy outgoing member to take on the Tournament Director position so if you know someone who you think may be interested have them talk to any board member.

The new 2018/2019 Executive is as follows:

President: Mike Christian

Vice President: Norm Tearoe

Treasurer: Val Warwick

Secretary: Wayne Chang

Membership: Karen Quigley and co Director Madelyn Hamilton

Junior Director: Heather Wilson

Tournament Director: Vacant

Social Director: Donna Campbell and co Director Harpreet Sidhu

Member at Large: Andy Galloway and co Director Anne Whittall

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