Tuesday Ladder – Jan-Feb 2022

Join us for doubles ladder on Tuesday nights from 7:30 – 9:30 pm. This registration form is only for the session running from January 4 to March 1, 2022. Due to COVID, the ladder will operate as a limited group who register in advance using this form. Only players who register here are able to play during this session. Only KBC members, who must be vaccinated, may register. No outside visitors or guests are allowed. Junior members require advance permission to register. COVID protocols are in effect. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

We are sorry, the Tuesday Night Ladder is currently full. To be placed on a wait list please contact [email protected].

The safety of our members is our top priority at KBC. By registering for this ladder, players agree to respect and follow all KBC COVID-19 Guidelines. Players understand that all risks cannot be fully eliminated and that risks associated with participating in sport during a pandemic are ultimately the responsibility of each player.