KBC Regulations Due to COVID-19

Anyone who is unwell or has any symptoms of COVID-19 must stay away

  • Anyone who has had any symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 10 days
  • Anyone who is directed by Public Health to self-isolate
  • Anyone who has arrived from outside of Canada in the last 14 days
  • Anyone who has had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case in the last 14 days

Courts must be booked in advance in order to play

  • Each person entering the club must be recorded on an individual or group booking
  • Players are not allowed to play without being listed on a booking
  • Players should arrive after their start time and leave before their end time
  • Bookings can be made at kelownabadminton.skedda.com

All members must card-in when playing to track people in the building 

  • Each player must present their card to the reader, whether it opens the door or not

Only members may play at the club at this time

  • Executive approval is needed in advance for any exceptions

Change rooms, showers and upstairs areas are closed

  • Please come changed to play
  • No spectators are allowed in the building and rides/drivers must wait outside

Players must bring their own water

  • Water fountains have been removed

There are strict limits to the number of people in the building

  • Each court can have a maximum of 4 people playing on court (singles is recommended)
  • Each court can have a maximum of 2 people sitting in designated spaces
  • Players must leave the building promptly when done playing

Players must sanitize or wash their hands before and after playing

  • Sanitization stations have been installed around the courts
  • Wipes are available to wipe common surfaces

Players must take responsibility for their safety

  • All risks cannot technically be eliminated
  • Each player must assess their own risk tolerance and use the club in a way they are comfortable (within the regulations)

Please be kind and respectful to one another