Duties of All Executives
- Attend KBC executive meetings.
Duties of the President
- Chair all meetings.
- Serve as the chief spokesperson of the club.
- Supervise the other officers in the execution of their duties.
- Promote the sport of badminton and club membership.
Duties of the Vice President
- Carry out the duties of the president whenever the president is absent.
Duties of the Secretary
- Conduct the correspondence of KBC.
- Manages and maintain all relevant correspondence, as porvided by the directors of KBC.
- Issues timely notice of AGM and any other special meetings of KBC.
- Provide minutes of monthly meetings and archive said minutes.
- Maintain custody of all records and documents of the KBC, except those required to be kept by the treasurer.
- Maintain knowledge of the location of KBC documents, and produce them in a timely manner when needed.
- Maintain the registery of members. (The secretary need not compile the register, but is the custodian of the registery.)
Duties of the Treasurer
- As provided in clause 36 (1) of the B.C. Society Act, the treasurer must keep proper accounting records in respect of all its financial and other transactions.
- Provide AGM documents in accordance to clause 64(1) of the B.C. Society Act.
- Amend and complete the Society Annual Report form mailed to the club.
- Complete a renewal application for “Permissive Tax Exemption”.
- Review the content insurance with the insurance provider (currently Interior Savings Insurance).
- Maintain spreadsheet itemizing all funds received.
- Prepare deposits and take to bank.
- Maintain spreadsheet listing inventory on hand and items purchased.
- Pick up mail (currently located at Post Office on Bernard Ave.)
- Issue cheques, reconcile bank statements, enter data on Simply Accounting Program.
- Prepare comparison monthly financial statements for executive.
Duties of the Membership Director
- Maintain a detailed listing of all memberships, including contact information as available (e-mails/phone/etc.).
- Provide a listing report of all memberships for Badminton B.C.
- Keep and file all memberships in alphabetical order in the office of KBC.
- Liaison with Treasurer to ensure that all members have paid their memberships.
- Advertise our facilities and the sport after receiving agreement from the board.
Duties of the Tournament Director
- Organizes and runs local tournaments using `Tournament Planner’ software.
- Creates tournaments using the software, uploads them to the web, organizes the draws and timing, and runs the tournament desk during the tournament.
- Traditional KBC tournaments include: the Kelowna Open (fall), the Kelowna Team Tourney (winter), the Kelowna Junior’s (spring), and the Ogopogo (spring).
- KBC is open to hosting other tournaments, subject to club availablity (discussed with the KBC board of directors), and other approval of appropriate badminton associations (such as Badminton BC for provinicals and/or Badminton Canada for nationals).
Duties of the Junior Director
- Act as liaison between the coaching staff and the KBC Executive
- Informing parents and athletes about upcoming events, tournaments, socials, and any pertinent information about the Club.
- Organize the Christmas Party and End-of-Year party for junior programs.
Duties of the Social Director
- Organize all parties and social functions for adult members as required by the club
- In conjunction with the Tournament Director, plan and organize the kitchen requirements for all adult tournaments.
- In conjunction with the Tournament Director arrange for banquet facilities for those tournaments needing such facilities.
Duties of the Member-at-Large
- Represent the interests of the membership at all committee meetings.
Duties of the Webmaster
- Maintain the webpage.
- Update News feed, Tournament Calendar, and Court Schedule upon request/approval from an executive.